Info on Candidates

At the moment Washington Post's website has extensive information on all candidates including voting records. That is why you see their widget below. Feel free to complain to me about this:

Washington Post Coverage

Thursday, February 14, 2008

And it continues...

According to CNN.Com:
After this past weekend and another Tuesday- the new delegate totals are:

Obama - 1253
Clinton - 1211
Needed to win: 2025

McCain - 827
Huckabee - 217
Paul - 16
Needed to win: 1191

I've got nothing funny right now. I could tell you all about my laughing fits during THE Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Conan last night... Oh, and the chinchilla's shown having sex on Leno... But there were no "TV Orgasms," so really, who cares?

OH! But thank goodness the writers are back!!!

I do want to pose a question to you people: Does Ron Paul remind anyone else of Ross Perot??? All he needs is a bunch of charts and I swear they would look like brothers.

Question: So, is this information more important that my Current Personal Problem?

Current Personal Problem: Bored at work.

Answer: No...

Reasoning: Nothing is more important than getting paid to really "BE SOMETHING," even if that "something" is "bored."

Sincerely (maybe),

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